Thursday, February 6, 2020

Chemistry Laureates

Chemistry LaureatesIn honor of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, the Nobel Prize Foundation in Stockholm announced the 2020 Nobel Prize Laureates. This year's winners include researchers from seven different countries. This is the first time since 1901 that there has been only one winner for Chemistry. Before we look at the Chemistry winners, it's important to point out a few things about the Nobel Prize, and why it is so important.It is not possible to list all the Nobel Laureates in Chemistry. The Chemistry Nobel Prizes are awarded every year and is chosen by a committee that looks at scientific achievements and efforts, and determines how best to recognize the person or persons responsible for the greatest contribution to the field. The Nobel Prize is given to those individuals who have made substantial contributions to their specific field of science. The laureate may be involved in a number of different fields of research, such as the field of medicine, astronomy, mathematics, physi cs, and chemistry.The Chemistry Nobel Laureates this year include: David Aharonov, Gérard A. Jacob, David J. MacKay, Maria J. Patino, Inger Andersen, Bernard Feringa, Eric W. Lander, and Lawrence G. Roberts. This is the first time in the history of the Chemistry Nobel Prizes that more than one country has won the prize.As a final note, before we get into the Chemistry laureates, it's important to mention that there are a lot of Science and Engineering students who study Chemistry each year. The Chemistry Nobel Laureates is some of the top scientists in their respective fields, and therefore provide an excellent example of what young scientists should look for. We hope you enjoy our 2020 Nobel Prize Chemistry Winners!David Aharonov is a chemist at the Department of Energy's Brookhaven National Laboratory in New York. Aharonov is the recipient of the 2020 Alfred P. Sloan Award for outstanding achievement in chemistry, which was awarded at the annual meeting of the American Chemical S ociety. Aharonov is also a member of the American Chemical Society (ACS) Chemistry Division, which is one of the most prestigious distinctions in the Chemical Society. This award is given annually and is given to a scientist whose discoveries have made a significant impact on chemical science.Gérard A. Jacob is a professor of chemistry at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City. Jacob is the recipient of the ACS History of Chemistry Award, which is given to a scientist whose research is important to the history of chemistry. This award is given to members of the chemistry community who have contributed to the understanding of the history of chemistry.Maria J. Patino is a professor of Chemistry at Indiana University in Bloomington. Patino is the recipient of the ACS Chemistry Division Honorary Achievement Award, which is given to a professor who has made major contributions to the field of Chemistry.

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